Monday, January 17, 2011

Apricot Scrub: Uh Oh...

K. Almost everyone knows what Apricot Scrub is right? You keep it in your shower....only use it every once in a while....cause it hurts so bad.....? Right? This stuff is rough. You might as well scrub your face with sandpaper it's that abrasive. You should exfoliate at least once a week just to help your skin stay pretty and bright and to get rid of those dingy dead skin cells. There are many ways to exfoliate.

Here's my confession: I use Apricot Scrub. Ahhhhhhh! Sue me. Only I DO NOT put what's in the tube directly on my face. For those of you who have it and don't want to throw it away because you know it cost 4 bucks and you may use it later once your skin is a bit tougher (good luck) here's what you can do and what I do. I keep in my shower next to my A.S. a bottle of a cream cleanser (Dermalogica's Ultra Calming Cleanser. You only need a teensy-weensy bit of the scrub and a good pump of the cleanser and voila! You have totally diluted the scrub into a nice, creamy, nonabrasive exfoliant. But remember, there's such thing as over exfoliating so only do it once a week if even that. Maybe every other. You don't want to dry out your skin and sloff off those paper thin layers. Your skin is delicate. Be nice to it. Happy MLK Day!


  1. Ah my guilty pleasure! :) only once a week though!

  2. So... I have a question... What if I don't mind using the rough sand paper Apricot Scrub just by itself?? Is that still good to use? How often... once or twice a week?? =)

  3. Malisa, it's bad. It's stripping your skin and it's so aggressive! I haven't really ever looked at your skin but is it sensitive? Or have a red tint? Or dry? Or a little bumpy? If so. DON'T USE IT BY ITSELF. You could be damaging your skin :[ We don't want that. It can be really irritating and mess up your pretty face.

  4. Lol. Thanks hun. Yeah, my skin is kinda sensitive and it totally has a stupid red tint to it. (Especially my nose. I look like Rudolph). Thanks!!
