Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chocolate Moisturizing Mask

I experimented. With my first Vlog.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little embarrassed but it had to happen sometime!
So, I'm just testing the waters and did a Vlog of me applying Chocolate goo to my face.

Just for fun!
Enjoy :]


2 T. Cocoa Powder
1 T. Milk
2 T. Honey
1/2 T. Olive Oil

It's kind of a large amount of mask....(I don't know how else to say it), so go ahead and put it on your neck and chest too if you'd like!

Havvveee funnnnn

I was so happy with my end result. My skin feels so great! I did moisturize after I washed it off but I don't think I necessarily had to....that's goood.

(Don't mind my ghetto shirt. I was baking. And I don't know how it got torn....)


  1. Um... I really want to watch that video but it says, "this video is private" and wont let me. Is it just my computer??

  2. Oh what the heck! I will fix it :]

  3. Haha... K I love you, this video is awesome! You're so cute. Thanks for sharing. Oh, Ps, where can I find a brush like the one you're using??

  4. That brush is a Dermalogica mask brush but I bet if you just google mask brushes you can order one!
