Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chocolate Moisturizing Mask

I experimented. With my first Vlog.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little embarrassed but it had to happen sometime!
So, I'm just testing the waters and did a Vlog of me applying Chocolate goo to my face.

Just for fun!
Enjoy :]


2 T. Cocoa Powder
1 T. Milk
2 T. Honey
1/2 T. Olive Oil

It's kind of a large amount of mask....(I don't know how else to say it), so go ahead and put it on your neck and chest too if you'd like!

Havvveee funnnnn

I was so happy with my end result. My skin feels so great! I did moisturize after I washed it off but I don't think I necessarily had to....that's goood.

(Don't mind my ghetto shirt. I was baking. And I don't know how it got torn....)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10 Foods? Better Skin

I love finding out foods that are good for your skin so I thought I would share with you my favorite picks!

1. Avacado- Mmmm. I love me a good smooshed up avacado with a little s&p smothered on a saltine. Too much? An avacado is full of essential oils and B-complex vitamins that nourish your skin, inside and out.

2. Almonds- Not only are they my favorite nut, they help to give you a fabulous complexion! They contain a heap of Vitamin E which of course nourishes your skin leaving it moist and happy. (Moist as in not dry. I hate that word but it only seems relevant).

3. Cottage Cheese- Believe it or not! I am the worlds #1 fan of cheese. All dairy products of course are full of calcium which help your bones and skin but cottage cheese contains selenium (an essential mineral) which is best friends with Vitamin E. :]

4. Acerola Cherries- Yea, I thought a cherry was a cherry but apparently there are different types. Acerola Cherries are also filled with Vitamin C and interesting fact: Vitamin C fights skin damage from the sun and wrinkles.

5. Sweet Potatoes- Limit yourself on the butter smooshed into this creamy mess and focus on how awesome it is that it is helping produce the elasticity fibers in those luscious cheeks leaving that beautiful structure plump and glorious!

6. Mushrooms- Mushrooms are rich in riboflavin, a B vitamin that’s vital to your skin. Riboflavin is involved in tissue maintenance and repair, and improves skin blemishes caused by rosacea (rosie cheeks aren't always a good thing). Riboflavin is so important for skin repair that the body uses large amounts after sustaining a burn or wound, or undergoing surgery. I've totally done my research! :]

7. Omega 3s- I have a delicious bottle of an Omega 3 supplement in my fridge. One spoonful a night and it's like a bite of Lemon pudding! Anywho Omega 3s helps to hydrate the skin. If you're no fan of fish, try using Flaxseed oil which actually contains about 2.5 grams of Omega 3s. Essential fatty acids help break down oil production and unclog pores.

8. Berries- Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Etc. who doesn't love em! One word Antioxidant. Antioxidants help with free radicals from sun exposure. The sun is a definite "frenemie." Eat em, you'll have pretty skin.

9. Whole Wheat- I never have White bread in my house. I'm sure that will change once my kids learn about White bread but for now, they ain't getting it. White flours can mess with your insulin levels which can lead to breakouts. No bueno.

10. Water!! - Put down that Diet Coke and drink a bottle of water! Water is definitely my best friend. I am definitely no soda drinker because let's face it, soda will be the death of you. The end. Water helps cells move nutrients in and toxins out, which automatically leaves skin looking better. When we're properly hydrated, we also sweat more efficiently. Doing so helps keep skin clean and clear as well.

And there you have it! Enjoy your next shopping trip!