I was just sitting down talking with my husband about Vitamins and what not and how I take a crapload of them. I love them. They make me feel good!
What I take:
(Though I am not Preg, I am nursing and I have been taking this Vit for a couple years now. It rocks)
It's a great multivitamin in my opinion.
Benefits: The benefits of Biotin are primarily to treat Biotin deficiency. Signs of Biotin deficiency include thin hair, brittle nails, balding, a rash located on facial areas as well as depression, loss of appetite, hallucinations, numbness in body extremes, fatigue and lethargy. So since I had a baby 5 1/2 months ago, I am balding. And it is not cute. Therefore I have begun taking Biotin faithfully and am hoping for positive results soon.
I am iron deficient and so I take an extra iron supplement on top of what's in my prenatal.
The Benefits of Iron: ENERGY.
Tired all the time? Take an Iron supplement. Or eat a hamburger. During my pregnancy I ate In-N-Out every night for a week cause I,
1. Needed Iron (hence the burger)
2. Because it's delicious.
Benefits: It is FILLED with amazing things! All your B vitamins including Folic Acid, and Biotin.
My sister was telling me she was talking to a client who was so happy and positive and she asked what she does to be so happy and her answer: she takes B vitamins! I was sold after hearing that story, now, I can't live without them.
Alright so after we were discussing Vitamins, we got onto a topic he read about regarding
"anti-perspirant" deodorants.
And you can look up many other reasons why you should not use an anti-perspirant deodorant.
Not gonna lie, I am a Dove girl. But after doing my research, I will be switching over completely.
Adidas carries a great Deodorant that is not an anti-persirant but it includes cotton to soak up any kind of excretion (sweat).
I will buy. :]
And there you have it! Just an interesting tid-bit.