Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oil Me Up!

I am recently OBSESSED with oils. And oils as in essential oils. Mmmmmm.
I started developing a clogged milk duct last week and was freaking out, like to the point of bruising my boob from pushing on it super hard. Nothing was coming out. I mean nothing. I was doing the hot water, the pumping, nursing, pumping, nursing. I thought I was going to die. (I am deathly afraid of mastitus....). So I was talking to a friend who is totally into oils and she told me that I need to lather my chest in it!

She recommended lavender, lemongrass, and citrus (and one more called Purify but I didn't use that it cause she didn't have any more, by doTERRA).
Can I just say oh my? I was in heaven. It finally released because of these blessed oils and I have never been more relieved.


and you should be to.

They do so many more amazing things. I have taken a couple classes on oils and I really need to buckle down and get into the industry. I will make that one of my next goals!

Just a fun tip! :]

1 comment:

  1. I LOVVVVE doTerra. I have a little mini kit in my purse right now. Let me know if you go to any classes and I'll come with?
